Maju Makmur Mandiri Foundation was established with the primary aim of facilitating progress for education and research in the area of natural sciences, as well as provide the know-how on the sustainable use of natural resources in Indonesia, which is inherently weak. This opportunity is open for students from primary school level up to post-graduate level. This idea originated from the experience of the founders of this foundation during their post-graduate educations.
The initial aim of the foundation is broadly divided into two parts. Firstly, The first one is to provide a facility for research in the area of applied laser technology and laser spectroscopy for Masters and PhD candidates. Secondly, The second one is to impart knowledge and skills to both students and teachers alike on how to make use of simple, easily-obtainable equipments to in order to clearly demonstrate various phenomena in nature.
The foundation welcomes Masters and PhD candidates from Indonesia and overseas to make use of its facilities for researches in the area of applied laser technology and laser spectroscopy. The foundation will try its best to seek financial assistance from various sources to ease the financial burden incurred during the research. Should this assistance be sufficient, the foundation may free the students of any financial obligations during his/her research in the foundation's facilities.
The foundation will also provide information and assistance to overseas students who wish to continue his/hertheir educations in Indonesia. At the discretion of the foundation, this service may be provided free of charge, or at a minimal cost. The foundation has comprehensive information on the educational facilities currently present in Indonesia.
The foundation regularly organizes teaching and training for both students and teachers, from primary to senior high school level, in the area of natural sciences. This training is done on the premises of the respective schools, and is funded by various donators to the foundation.

To provide research training and guidance for Masters and PhD candidates specifically in the area of laser technology and laser spectroscopy.
To develop techniques in laser ablation for spectrochemical analysis in cooperation with local and overseas industries.
To provide guidance on the importance of research and international publication for Masters and PhD candidates.
To inculcate and nurture the understanding in students and teachers from primary school up to university level that scientific research can be carried out using cheap, simple and easily-obtainable tools.
To cooperate with domestic and overseas industries, research institutions, schools and universities on the basis of mutual benefit.
Public Notary
Sinta Susikto SH, 39, Tomang Raya, West Jakarta, 11440, Indonesia.
Establishment Deed
No. 27 dated October, 29, 2003
Decision from Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
C-243.HT.01.02.TH 2004
Tax Number
Lie Tjung Jie
Management Board
Chief Irene Koo Hun Phin
Secretary Lanny Liawan
Treasurer Beda Suwitono
Supervisor Board
Budi Kurniawan