26. Koo H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, (INVITED SPEAKER), Review of Hydrogen and Deuterium Analysis Using Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy, Towards Bright and Brilliant Indonesia, Indonesia Science Year and 100 Years of Einstein Theory, Meeting of Indonesia Scientists in the 21st Century, Jakarta, 18-19 November 2005 (UPI Press, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005), {2005) pp. 257-294
25. K. Tsuyuki, S. Miura, Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, N. Idris, K. Kagawa, Measurement of Concrete Hardness Using the Emission Intensity Ratio Between Ca II 396.8 nm and Ca I 422.6 nm in Nd-YAG Laser-Induced Plasma, Proceeding of the Fall Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 15-16, 2005), {2005) pp. 62
24. M.M. Suliyanti, S. Sardy, A. Kusnowo, Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, R. Hedwig, M. Pardede, K. Kagawa, Preliminary Spectrochemical Analysis on Fossil Sample Using Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma Spectroscopy, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Quality in Research (QIR), Depok, Indonesia (August, 9-10, 2005), {2005)
23. N. Idris, T.J. Lie, T. Kobayashi, K. Kagawa, H. Kurniawan, A Preliminary Study on Hydrogen Spectrochemical Analysis Using TEA CO2 Laser Induced Plasma at Low Pressure, Proceeding Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications Seminar, Jakarta, October 1-2, 2003, {2003) pp. 28-38
22. M.I.Y. lchwan, H. Suyanto, T.J. Lie, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, Excitation Mechanism of Atmospheric Laser Plasma Using Water Sample and Its Application for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Proceeding Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications Seminar, Jakarta, October 1-2, 2003, {2003) pp, 2-7
21. H. Trilaksana, T.J. Lie, M. Pardede, K. Kagawa, H. Kurniawan, Comparison Study Between Shock Wave Model and Recombination Model in the Generation of Low Pressure Laser Plasma, Proceeding Opto -Electrotechniques and Laser Applications Seminar, Jakarta, October 1-2, 2003,(2003) pp, 8-15
20. E. Susilowati, M.I.Y. lchwan, H. Suyanto, T.J. Lie, H. Kurniawan, Experimental Study on the Sensitive Emission Lines Intensities of Metal samples Using Laser Ablation Conducted at Low and Atmospheric Pressure and Its Comparison to Arc Discharge Technique, Proceeding OptoElectrotechniques and Laser Applications Seminar, Jakarta, October 1-2, 2003, {2003) pp. 16-21
19. R. Hedwig, M. Pardede, T.J. Lie, H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, Studi Pendahuluan Untuk Analisa Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Elemen Hidrogen Pada Sampel Logam Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Ablasi Laser, Proceeding Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications Seminar, Jakarta, October 1- 2, 2003, {2003) pp. 22-27
18. K. Kagawa and H. Kurniawan (INVITED PAPER), Laser-Induced Plasmas and Applications, Proceeding The 2002 International Conference in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Jakarta, October 2-3, 2002, (2002) pp. 801-806
17. H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, R. Hedwig and K. Kagawa, A Short Summary ofTime-Resolved Spectroscopic Study in the Laser Plasma Generated by Irradiation of High Power Short Pulse Laser on Metal Samples Under Reduced Gas Pressure, Proceeding The 2002 International Conference in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Jakarta, October 2-3, 2002, {2002) pp. 832-838
16. W. Setia Budi, Rinda, M. Pardede, H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Effect of Focusing of Laser Irradiation on Spectral Emission of Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma at Reduced Air Pressure, Association of Asia Pasific Physics Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, {1998)
15. H. Suyanto, T.J. Lie, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia and K. Kagawa, Direct Analysis of Powder Sample by Laser Plasma Using Confinement Technique and Its Application for Thin Film Deposition, Proceeding The 2002 International Conference in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Jakarta, October 2-3, 2002, (2002) pp. 853-857
14. S.N. Madjid, H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa and I. Kitajima, TEA CO2 and Nd-YAG Laser Modulated Plasma Generated at Low Air Pressure, Proceeding The 2002 International Conference in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Jakarta, October 2-3, 2002, {2002) pp. 858-861
13. R. Wigajatri, A. Handojo, H. Kurniawan, N.B. Prihantini, M.R.T. Siregar, Optical Absorbance of Chlorella spp in Connection With The Culture Age, Proceeding The 2002 International Conference in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Jakarta, October 2-3, 2002, {2002) pp. 862-863
12. N. Idris, H. Suyanto and H. Kurniawan, Density Jump Measurement in the Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Using Nd-YAG Laser at Low Air Pressures, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information, CECI 2001, March 7-8, Jakarta, Indonesia, Proc., {2001) pp. OL25-OL29
11. M.M. Suliyanti, R. Hedwig and H. Kurniawan, Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Gold Alloy Using Primary Plasma Standardization, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information, CECI 2001, March 7-8, Jakarta, Indonesia, Proc., {2001) pp. OL1-OL5
10. A.M. Marpaung and H. Kurniawan, The Dynamical Processes of Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Generation at Surrounding Air Pressure of 1 Torr to 760 Torr, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information, CECI 2001, March 7-8, Jakarta, Indonesia, Proc., {2001) pp. OL20-OL24
9. M. Pardede and H. Kurniawan, Rejection of Recombination and Electron Collision Process in the Laser Plasma Generated by the Nd-YAG Laser Irradiation at Low Pressures, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information, CECI 2001, March 7-8, Jakarta, Indonesia, Proc., {2001) pp. OL 10-OL 14
8. W.S. Budi, I. Marhaendrajaya, Wuryanti, M. Pardede and H. Kurniawan, Direct Charge Current Measurement of the Plasma Induced by Nd-YAG Laser at Low Air Pressure, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Information, CECI 2001, March 7-8, Jakarta, Indonesia, Proc., {2001) pp. OL15-OL19
7. H. Kurniawan, Rinda, K. Kagawa and M.O. Tjia, Characteristics of Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma generated at 0,5 Torr, XVIII National Physics Conference, Serpong, Indonesia, (2000)
6. A.M. Marpaung, W.T. Baskoro, W. Setia Budi, H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Characteristics of Shock Wave Plasma Generated by 2-mJ Nd-YAG Laser at Reduced Air Pressures, Association of Asia Pasific Physics Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, {1998)
5. K. Kagawa, and H. Kurniawan (INVITED PAPER), Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectrocopy, Association of Asia Pasific Physics Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, {1998)
4. H. Hattori, H. Kurniawan, and K. Kagawa, Liquid Refractometry by the Rainbow Method, Association of Asia Pasific Physics Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, {1998)
3. W. Setia Budi, Rinda, M. Pardede, H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Effect ofFocusing oflaser lrradiation on Spectral Emission of Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma at Reduced Air Pressure, Association of Asia Pasific Physics Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, {1998)
2. H. Kurniawan, A.M. Marpaung, W. Setia Budi, W. Hardjoutomo, M.O. Tjia and M. Barmawi, Laser Nitrogen Daya Tinggi Untuk Analisis Spektrokimia, XIV National Physics Symposium, Medan, Indonesia, {1993)
1. H. Kurniawan, M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia, T. Kobayashi and K. Kagawa, Microbeam Nitrogen Laser System, Second Regional Symposium in Opto -Electronics and Laser Application, Jakarta, Indonesia, {1990)