157. R. Hedwig, et al., Using laser-generated air spark to suppress the self-reversal effect of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for quantitative in-situ analysis of high-concentration Al in Ti-Al alloys, Talanta Open, 8, (2023), pp. 100251
156. N. Ahmed, et al., Valuation of theoretical and experimental thresholds fluences of pure metals using laser induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS), Laser Physics, 33, 11, (2023), pp. 116001
155. N. Ahmed, et al., The emission intensity enhancement and improved limit of detection of Cu, Ag, and Au using electric field assisted LIBS, Optical Materials, 143, (2023), pp. 114309
154. A. Khumaeni, et al., Quantification of the Trace Metal Element Cr in Stainless Steel Using Picosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy at Atmospheric Pressure, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48, (2023), pp. 8165–8172
153. A. Khumaeni, et al., Signal Intensity Augmentation of Elements Detected in Blood Serum Using Dual Pulse Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy Under Ambient He Gas Environment, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2023), pp. 1-12
152. I. Karnadi, et al., Air spark-assisted excitation to suppress the self-reversal effect in nanosecond UV laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Optics Continuum, 2, 5, (2023), pp. 1028-1039
151. A. Khumaeni, et al., Elemental characterization of Indonesian coral skeleton using underwater laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), Analytical Letters, (2023), pp. 1-12
150. A.M. Marpaung et al., Simple defocus laser irradiation to suppress self-absorption in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Heliyon, 8, 8, (2022), pp. e10057
149. N. Idris et al., Geochemistry Study of Soil Affected Catastrophically by Tsunami Disaster Triggered by 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake using a Fourth Harmonics (λ = 266 nm) Nd:YAG Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15, 7, (2022), pp. 103847
148. A. Khumaeni et al., Metal Powder-Assisted Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) using Pulse CO2 Laser for Liquid Analysis, Journal of King Saud University - Science, 34, 3, (2022), pp. 101901
147. A. Khumaeni et al., Quantification of Sodium Contaminant on Steel Surfaces using Pulse CO2 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15, 1, (2022), pp. 103474
146. Z.A. Umar et al., Determination of Micronutrients and Toxic Elements in Moringa Oleifera Leaves by Calibration Free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Analytical Letters, 55, 5, (2022), pp. 755–769
145. M. Pardede et al., High Sensitivity Hydrogen Analysis in Zircaloy-4 Using Helium-Assisted Excitation Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Scientific Reports, 11, 1, (2021), pp. 21999
144. M. Iqhrammullah et al., Cellulose Acetate-Polyurethane Film Adsorbent with Analyte Enrichment for In-Situ Detection and Analysis of Aqueous Pb using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 16, (2021), pp. 100516
143. A. Khumaeni et al., Elemental Characterization of Human Blood using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Utilizing 355 nm Nd: YAG Operated at Reduced Pressure of He gas, Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 14, 4, (2021) pp. 2413–2419
142. M. Pardede et al., Unusual Parallel Laser Irradiation for Suppressing Self-Absorption in Single Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Optics Express, 29, 14, (2021) pp. 22593-22602
141. N. Idris et al., Characteristics of laser-induced breakdown investigated by a compact, nongated optical multichannel analyzer system and its potential application, Heliyon, 6, 22, (2020) pp. e05711
140. I. Karnadi et al., Suppression of Self-Absorption in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Using a Double Pulse Orthogonal Configuration to Create Vacuum-like Conditions in Atmospheric Air Pressure, Scientific Reports, 10, 1, (2020) pp. 13278
139. I. Tanra et al., Rapid Powder Analysis with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy at Low Pressure Ambient Helium Gas Employing Bamboo Charcoal as a Sample Holder, Journal of Laser Applications, 32, 3, (2020) pp. 032025
138. A.M. Marpaung et al., Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Soft Samples including Raw Fish by Employing Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy with a Subtarget at Low-Pressure Helium Gas, ACS Omega, 5, 27, (2020) pp. 16811-16818
137. E. Jobiliong et al., Underlying Physical Processes for Time Dependent Variations of He Triplet and Singlet Intensities in Laser-Induced He Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 24, (2020) pp, 0001395
136. M. lqhrammullah et al., Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Cellulose Acetate Polyurethane Film for Lead II Ion Removal, Polymers, 12, 6, (2020) pp. 1317
135. M. lqhrammullah et al., Filler-Modified Castor Oil-Based Polyurethane Foam for the Removal of Aqueous Heavy Metals Detected Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Technique, Polymers, 12, 4, (2020) pp. 903
134. A. Khumaeni et al., Trace Metal Analysis of Element on Material Surface Using Pulse CO2 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Applying Vaporization Technique, Heliyon, 6, 8, (2020) pp. e04670
133. R. Hedwig et al., Suppression of Self-Absorption Effect in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by Employing a Penning-like Energy Transfer Process in Helium Ambient Gas, Optics Express, 28, 7, (2020) pp, 9259-9268
132. M.M. Suliyanti et al., Comparison of Excitation Mechanisms and the Corresponding Emission Spectra in Femto Second and Nano Second Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Reduced Ambient Air and Their Performances in Surface Analysis, Journal of Laser Applications, 32, 1, (2020) pp. 012014
131. A.M. Marpaung et al., Quantification of Rare Earth Elements with Low Pressure Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Employing Subtarget Supported Micro Mesh Sample Holder, Journal of Laser Applications, 31, 3, (2019) pp. 032001
130. M. Pardede et al., Underlying Physical Process for the Unusual Spectral Quality of Double Pulse Laser Spectroscopy in He Gas, Analytical Chemistry, 91, 12, (2019) pp. 7864-7870
129. A. Khumaeni et al., Laser Plasma Spectroscopy Using a Pulsed CO2 Laser for the Analysis of Carbon in Soil, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 86, 1, (2019) pp. 162-165
128. A. Jabbar et al., Analytical approach of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to detect elemental profile of medicinal plants leaves, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 19, 2, {2019) pp. 430- 440
127. R. Hedwig et al., Food Analysis Employing High Energy Nanosecond Laser and Low Pressure He Ambient Gas, Microchemical Journal, 147, (2019) pp. 356-364
126. M. Pardede et al., H-D Analysis Employing Energy Transfer From Metastable Excited-State He In Double-Pulse LIBS With Low-Pressure He Gas, Analytical Chemistry, 91, (2019) pp. 1571-1577
125. N. Idris et al., Enhancement of Carbon Detection Sensitivity in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy With Low Pressure Ambient Helium Gas, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 151, (2019) pp. 26-32
124. A. Khumaeni et al., Pulsed CO2 laser-induced gas plasma spectroscopy based on single beam splitting for trace metal analysis on a material surface, Journal of Modern Optics, 65, 19, {2018) pp, 2229-2233
123. J. Iqbal et al., Shock wave plasma generation in low pressure ambient gas from powder sample using subtarget supported micro mesh as a sample holder and its potential applications for sensitive analysis of powder samples, Microchemical Journal, 142, {2018) pp. 108-116
122. M. Ramli et al., Sensitive in-situ Cr analysis with high resolution and minimal destructive effect using micro-joule picosecond laser generated plasma emission in open ambient air, Microchemical Journal, 139, {2018) pp. 327-332
121. N. Idris, et al., Shock wave plasma induced emission generated by low energy nanosecond Nd:YAG laser in open air and its application to quantitative Cr analysis of low alloy steel, AIP Advances, 8, 5, (2018) pp. 055121
120. H. Suyanto et al., Practical Soil Analysis by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Employing Subtarget Supported Micro Mesh as a Powder Sample Holder, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 137, {2017) pp. 59-63
119. S.N. Abdulmadjid et al., Low Pressure Micro-Joule Picosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Its Prospective Applications to Minimally Destructive and High Resolution Analysis, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56, {2017) pp. 096201-1-7
118. M. Ramli et al., Spectrochemical Abalysis of Cs in Water and Soil Using Low Pressure Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 132, {2017) pp, 8-12
117. Z.S. Lie et al., H-D Analysis Employing Low-Pressures Microjoule Picosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 9, {2017) pp. 4951-4957
116. M. Pardede et al., Preferential Triplet Over Singlet Emission of Zn in Laser-Induced Plasmas, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56, {2017) pp. 066101-7
115. A. Khumaeni et al., Rapid Detection of Oil Pollution in Soil by Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology, 18, 12, {2016) pp. 1186-1191
114. R. Hedwig et al., Application of Picosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Quantitative Analysis of Boron in Meatballs and Other Biological Samples, Applied Optics, 55, {2016) pp.
113. A.M. Marpaung et al., A Comparative Study of Emission Efficiencies in Low-Pressure Argon Plasmas Induced by Picosecond and Nanosecond Nd:YAG Lasers, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, {2016) pp. 116101.1-5
112. S.N. Abdulmadjid et al., Reply to "Comments on Sensitive Analysis of Carbon, Chromium and Silicone in Steel Using Picosecond Laser Induced Low Pressure Helium Plasma" by Zaytsev et al., Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 118, {2016) pp. 37-39
111. H. Suyanto et al., Signal Enhancement of Neutral He Emission Lines by Fast Electron Bombardment on Laser-Induced He Plasma, AIP Advances, 6, {2016) pp. 085105-1-7
110. S.N. Abdulmadjid et al., Evidence of Feasible Hardness Test on Mars Using Ratio of Ionic/ Neutral Emission Intensities Measured with Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Low Pressure CO2 Ambient Gas, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, {2016) pp. 163304-1-6
109. K. Lahn a et al., Formation and Emission Characteristics of CN Molecules in Laser-Induced Low Pressure He Plasma and Its Application to N Analysis in Coal and Fossilization Study, Applied. Optics, 55, {2016) pp. 1731-1737
108. S1.N. Abdulmadjid et al., Sensitive Analysis of Carbon, Chromium and Silicone in Steel Using Picosecond Laser Induced Low Pressure Helium Plasma, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 114, {2015) pp. 1-6
107. Z.S. Lie et al., Nanosecond Nd-YAG Laser Induced Plasma Emission Characteristics in Low Pressure CO2 Ambient Gas for Spectrochemical Application on Mars, Journal of Applied Physics, 118, {2015) pp. 083304-1-6
106. N. Idris et al., Excitation Mechanism in 1 mJ Picosecond Laser-Induced Low Pressure He Plasma and the Resulting Spectral Quality Enhancement, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, (2015) pp, 223301-1-6
105. M. Pardede et al., Quantitative and Sensitive Analysis of CN Molecules Using Laser Induced Low Pressure He Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, (2015) pp. 113302-1-7
104. E. Jobiliong et al., Spectral and Dynamic Characteristics of Helium Plasma Emission and its Effect on a Laser-Ablated Target Emission in a Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Experiment, Applied Spectroscopy, 69, {2015) pp. 115-123
103. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Practical and Highly Sensitive Elemental Analysis for Aqueous Sample Containing Metal Impurities Employing Electrodeposition on lndium-Tin-Oxyde Film Samples and Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma in Low-Pressure Helium Gas, Applied Optics, 54,{2015) pp, 7592-7597
102. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Review of Laser-Induced Plasma, Its Mechanism, and Application to Quantitative Analysis of Hydrogen and Deuterium, Applied Spectroscopy Review, 49, {2014) pp. 323-434
101. S.N. Abdulmadjid et al., A Comparative Study of Pressure-Dependent Emission Characteristics in Different Gas Plasmas Induced by Nanosecond and Picosecond Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd:YAG) Lasers, Applied Spectroscopy, 67, {2013) pp. 1285-1295
100. Z.S. Lie et al., Direct Evidence of Mismatching Effect on H Emission in Laser-InducedAtmospheric Helium Gas Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, {2013) pp. 053301-1-6
99. A. Khumaeni et al., Emission Characteristics of Ca and Mg Atoms in Gas Plasma Induced by the Bombardment of Transversely Atmospheric CO2 Laser at 1 atm, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51, {2012) pp. 082403-1-9
98. Z.S. Lie et al., A Comprehensive Study of H Emission in TEA CO2 Laser-Induced Helium Gas Plasma for Highly Sensitive Analysis of Hydrogen in Metal Samples, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 61, 1, {2012) pp. 49-54
97. H. Suyanto et al., Quantitative Analysis of Deuterium in Zircaloy Using Double-Pulse LaserInduced Breakdown Spectrometry (LIBS) and Helium Gas Plasma without a Sample Chamber, Analytical Chemistry, 84, 5, {2012) pp. 2224-2231
96. M.M. Suliyanti et al., Double Pulse Spectrochemical Analysis Using Orthogonal Geometry with Very Low Ablation Energy and He Ambient Gas, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 869, 7, {2012) pp. 56-60
95. Z.S. Lie et al., Excitation Mechanism of H, He, C, and F Atoms in Metal-Assisted Atmospheric Helium Gas Plasma Induced by Transversely Excited Atmospheric - Pressure CO2 Laser Bombardment, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50, {2011) pp. 122701 1-7
94. A.M. Marpaung e al., Deuterium Analysis in Zircaloy Using ps Laser-Induced Low Pressure Plasma, Jpurnal of A plied Physics, 110,6, {2011) pp. 063301 1-6
93. A. Khumaeni et al., Direct Analysis of Powder Samples Using Transversely Excited Atmospheric CO2 Laser-Induced Gas Plasma at 1 atm, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400, {2011) pp. 3279-3287
92. Z.S. Lie et al., Observation of Exclusively He-Induced H Emission in Cooled Laser Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 10, (20 1) pp. 103305 1-4
91. M.M. Suliyanti et al., Direct Powder Analysis by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Utilizing Laser-Controlled Dust Production in a Small Chamber, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 58,5, (2011) pp. 1129-1134
90. S.N. Abdulmadjid et al., Quantitative Deuterium Analysis of Titanium Samples in UV LaserInduced Low-Pressure Helium Plasma, Applied Spectroscopy, 64, 4, {2010) pp. 365-369
89. R. Hedwig et al., Toward Quantitative Deuterium Analysis with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Using Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Gas, Journal of Applied Physics, 107,2, {2010) pp. 023301 1-5
88. Z.S. Lie et al., Intensity Distributions of Enhanced H Emission from Laser-Induced LowPressure He Plasma and a Suggested He-Assisted Excitation Mechanism, Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 8, 9, (2009) pp. 043303 1-6
87. M. Pardede et al., Crater Effects on H and D mission from Laser-Induced Low-Pressure Helium Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 6, {2009) pp. 063303 1-6
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85. K.H. Kurniawan et al., The Role of He in Enhancing the Intensity and Lifetime of H and D Emissions from Laser-Induced Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 105,{2009) pp, 103303-1-6
84. N. Idris et al., Monitoring of Laser Processing Using Induced Current Under an Applied Electric Field on Laser Produced Plasma, The Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 6, {2009) pp, 3009-3021
83. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Quenching of He-Induced Intensity Enhancement Effect in H and D Emission Produced by Nd-YAG Laser Irradiation on Solid Targets in Low Pressure Helium Gas, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, (2009) pp. 013301-1-7
82. A. Khumaeni et al., Demonstrations of the Action and Reaction Law and the Energy Conservation Law Using Fine Spherical Plastic Beads, Physics Education, 43, 6, {2008) pp. 637-643
81. A. Khumaeni et al., New Technique for the Direct Analysis of Food Powders Confined in a Small Hole Using Transversely Excited Atmospheric CO2 Laser-Induced Gas Plasma, Applied Spectroscopy, 62, 12, {2008) pp. 1344-1348
80. Z.S. Lie et al., Spectrochemical Analysis of Powder Using 355 nm Nd-YAG Laser-Induced Low Pressure Plasma, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 390, 7, (2008) pp.' 1781-1787
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77. M. Ramli et al., Quantitative Hydrogen Analysis of Zircaloy-4 in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy with Ambient Helium Gas, Applied Optics, 46, (2007) pp. 8298-8304
76. M. Pardede et al., Comparative Study of Laser-Induced Plasma Emission of Hydrogen from Zircaloy-2 Samples in Atmospheric and Low Pressure Ambient Helium Gas, Applied Physics B, 89, 2-3, {2007) pp, 291 – 298
75. M. Ramli et al., Hydrogen Analysis in Solid Samples by Utilizing Helium Metastable Atoms Induced by TEA CO2 Laser Plasma in Helium Gas at 1 Atmosphere, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 62, 12, (2007) pp. 1379-1389
74. N. Idris et al., New Electrode Configuration for Measurements of the Induced Current from a Laser Plasma and Its Application to Monitoring Laser Processing, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 51, 2, (2007) pp. 515-521
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72. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Quantitative Hydrogen Analysis of Zircaloy-4 Using Low-Pressure Laser Plasma Technique, Analytical Chemistry, 79,7, {2007) pp. 2703-2707
71. M. Ramli et al., Some Notes on the Role of Meta-Stable Excited State of Helium Atom in LaserInduced Helium Gas Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Physics 8, 86, 4, {2007) pp. 729-734
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69. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Effects of Mass Difference on Pressure-Dependent Emission Characteristics in Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy, Applied Physics 8, 85, 4, {2006) pp.631-636
68. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Quantitative Analysis of Deuterium Using Laser-Induced Plasma at Low Pressure of Helium, Analytical Chemistry, 78, 16, {2006) pp. 5768-5773
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63. Y.I. Lee et al., Production of Artificial Snow Crystals in Summer or Under Tropical Conditions, Physics Update, 9, 1, {2005) pp. 38-42
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61. M.M. Suliyanti et al., Preliminary Analysis of C and H in a "SANGIRAN" Fossil Using LaserInduced Plasma at Reduced Pressure, Journal of Applied Physics, 98,9, {2005) pp. 093307 1-8
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54. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Hydrogen Analysis of Zircalloy Tube Used in Nuclear Power Station Using Laser Plasma Techni ue, Journal of Applied Physics, 96, 11, {2004) pp. 6859-6862
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37. K.H. Kurniawan et al., Application of Primary Plasma Standardization to Nd-YAG Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma Spectrometry for Quantitative Analysis of High Concentration Au-Ag-Cu Alloy, Spectrochimica Acta Part 8: Atomic Spectroscopy, 856, 9, {2001) pp. 1407-1417
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