39. A. Khumaeni et al., Identification of elements in human blood serum using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2202, {2019) pp. 020001
38. S.N. Abdulmadjid, N. Idris, K.H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, Induced Current Characteristics due to Laser-Induced Plasma and Its Application to Laser Processing Monitoring, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1328, {2011) pp. 31-37
37. K. Ishii, K. Kagawa, A. Khumaeni, K.H. Kurniawan, Frictionless Demonstration Using Fine Plastic Beads for Teaching Mechanics, Al P Conference Proceedings, vol. 1263, {2010) pp. 179-182
36. Ali Khumaeni, M. Ramli, N. Idris, Y.I. Lee, K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, Y. Deguchi, H. Niki and K. Kagawa, Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Elements on Herb Medicine and Food Powder Using TEA CO2 Laser-Induced Plasma, American Institute of Physics Cont. Proc. 1104, USA, 155-160, (2009)
35. K.H. Kurniawan, S.N. Abdulmadjid, K. Kagawa, Role of He Metastable Excited State in Intensity Enhancement of H Emission from Laser Induced Plasma, The 5th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS5), Hanoi, Vietnam (December, 2-5, 2009), {2009) pp. 35
34. K. Kagawa, A. Khumaeni, Z.S. Lie, K.H. Kurniawan, H. Niki, K. Fukumoto, Hydrogen Analysis in Metal Samples by Selective Detection Method Utilizing TEA CO2 Laser-Induced He Gas Plasma, The 2nd North America Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, July 13- 15, New Orleans, LA, USA, 118, {2009)
33. Koo H. Kurniawan, A.N. Chumakov, K. Kagawa, Toward Quantitative Deuterium Analysis with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Using Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Gas, VI International Conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT ), Minsk, Belarus (September 28 - October 02, 2009), {2009)
32. S.N. Abdulmadjid, K.H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Hydrogen in Titanium Using Laser-Induced Low-Pressure Helium Plasma, The 5th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS5), Hanoi, Vietnam (December, 2-5, 2009), {2009) pp. 56
31. K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, Hydrogen Analysis in Zircaloy Using Laser Produced Plasma, The 3rd Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS3), Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, {2007) pp. 77
30. K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, Quantitative Analysis of Hydrogen in Zircaloy Using Laser-Induced Helium Plasma Spectroscopy, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXV, Xiamen, China (September 23 - 27, 2007), {2007) pp. 301
29. K. Kagawa, N. Idris, M. Ramli, H. Niki, K. Fukumoto, T.J. Lie, K.H. Kurniawan, New Method of Laser Plasma Spectrometry Using Helium Metastable State Induced by TEA CO2 Laser in Helium Gas at 1 Atmosphere, The 3rd Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS3), Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, (2007} pp. 75-76
28. S.N. Madjid, K.H. Kurniawan, N. Idris, K. Kagawa, Technique of Induced Current Induced by Laser Ablation for Laser Processing, The 3rd Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS3), Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, {2007) pp. 85-86
27. K. Kagawa, N. Idris, M. Ramli, H. Niki. K. Fukumoto, T. Maruyama, T.J. Lie, Koo H. Kurniawan, Hydrogen Analysis in Solid Samples by Utilizing Helium Metastable Atoms Induced by TEA CO2 Laser Plasma in Helium Gas at 1 Atmosphere, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Montreal, Canada (September, 5-9, 2006), {2006) pp, 69
26. Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, N. Idris, K. Kagawa, Quantitative Analysis of Deuterium Using Laser-Induced Plasma at Low Pressure of Helium, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Montreal, Canada (September, 5- 9, 2006), {2006) pp, 104
25. N. Idris, T.J. Lie, Koo H. Kurniawan, Y.I. Lee, T. Kobayashi, K. Kagawa, New Standardization Method for Quantitative Analysis in Laser-Induced Plasma Spectroscopy Using Plasma-Induced Current, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy {LIBS), Montreal, Canada (September, 5-9, 2006), {2006) pp. 113
24. Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, A.N. Chumakov, K. Kagawa, Hydrogen Analysis on Solid Samples Using Laser Ablation Technique, V International Conference on Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT), Minsk, Belarus (September 18-22, 2006), {2006} pp. 349-352
23. K.H. Kurniawan, Zener S. Lie, T.J. Lie, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Excitation Mechanism of Hydrogen Emission in the Plasma Induced by Nd-YAG Laser at Atmospheric Pressure of Helium Gas, Second Asia Pacific Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Bangkok, Thailand (November 26 - December 2, 2006), {2006) pp. 113-114
22. Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, Preliminary "SANGIRAN" Fossil Analysis Using Laser Induced Plasma at Reduced Pressure, 2005 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 25-30, 2005, {2005)
21. S.N. Abdulmadjid, I. Kitazima, Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, Low Cost Real Time Gas Monitoring Using a Laser Plasma Induced by a Third Harmonic Q-Switched YAG Laser, 2005 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 25-30, 2005, {2005)
20. S.N. Abdulmadjid, Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, Hydrogen Analysis in Metals Using Laser-Induced Gas Plasma and Target Plasma at Helium Atmospheric Pressure, 32nd Annual Conference on Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Quebec City, Canada (October, 9-13, 2005), {2005)
19. Koo H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, R. Hedwig, T.J. Lie and K. Kagawa {INVITED PAPER), Laser Induced Shockwave Plasma; Its Mechanism and Applications for Elemental Analysis, International Workshop on Photonics and Aplications, Hanoi, Vietnam (5-8 April, 2004), {2004)
18. K. Kagawa, N. Idris, T. Kobayashi, Koo H. Kurniawan, K. Tsuyuki and S. Miura, , Utilization of Confinement Effect and Sub-target Effect in Spectrochemical Analysis Using TEA CO2 Laser-Induced Plasma, 31st Annual Conference on Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Portland, Oregon, United States {3-7 October 2004), {2004) pp. 107
17. Koo H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, N. Idris, K. Kagawa, T. Maruyama, Preliminary Study of Hydrogen Emission Characteristics on Solid Samples Using Laser-Ablation Technique, 31st Annual Conference on Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Portland Oregon, United States {3-7 October 2004), {2004) pp. 72
16. K.H. Kurniawan, M.I.Y. lchwan, T.J. Lie, H. Suyanto, and K. Kagawa, Excitation Mechanism of Hydrogen Emission in the Laser Induced Atmospheric Plasma in Water Sample, Proceeding of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Superintense Light Fields and Ultrafast Processes, Eds. Vladimir E. Yashin and Alexandr A. Andreev, vol. 5482, 30 June - 4 July 2003, Laser Optics (LO'2003), St. Petersburg, Russia, {2003) pp. 68-77
15. H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, H. Suyanto, S. Nur Madjid, M.O. Tjia and K. Kagawa, Cylindrical Confined Plasma for Suppressing Background Emission in Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy, Proceeding of 3rd Asian Pacific Laser Symposium, Osaka, Japan, (2002) pp. 306-309
14. S.N. Madjid, H. Kurniawan, I. Kitazima and K. Kagawa, Some New Techniques to Study Laser Ablation Process, Proceeding of 3rd Asian Pacific Laser Symposium, Osaka, Japan, {2002) pp. 23-26
13. H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Density Jump Measurement in the Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma, XX Annual Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan, Digest of Technical Papers, Jan, 20-21, 2000, Fukuoka, Japan, {2000) pp. 124
12. H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, K.Kagawa and M.O. Tjia, Low Background Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma and Its Application for In-situ Analysis, 1st International Conference For Young Scientists on Laser Optics (LO-VS 2000), St-Petersburg, Russia, June 2000, {2000)
11. A.M. Marpaung, W.S. 8udi, H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma and its Application to Spectrochemical Analysis, International Laser Sensing Symposium and 20th Japanese Laser Sensing Symposium, Fukui, Japan, {1999) pp. 75-76
10. H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma Spectroscopy, Asianalysis V, Xiamen, People Republic of China {1999), Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 20 (supplement), 5, {1999) pp, 45
9. H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Industrial Samples at Reduced Pressures, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXI, Turkey, {1999)
8. H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia and K. Kagawa, Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectrometry Using Small Chamber Designed for In-Situ Analysis, Symposia of Electrothermal Vaporization in AAS and ICP, Turkey, {1999)
7. M. Pardede, A.M. Marpaung, H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, The Effect of Selective Vaporization on Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma, International Laser Sensing Symposium and 20th Japanese Laser Sensing Symposium, Fukui, Japan, {1999) pp. 79-80
6. R. Hedwig, H. Kurniawan, M.M. Suliyanti, S. Nur and K. Kagawa, The Role of Sub-Target for Soft Sample in Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma, International Laser Sensing Symposium and 20th Japanese Laser Sensing Symposium, Fukui, Japan, {1999) pp. 81-84
5. H. Kurniawan, A. Kusnowo, M.M. Suliyanti, S. Nakajima, T. Kobayashi and K. Kagawa, Glass Analysis Using Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma, CLEO Pacific Rim, Chiba, Japan, {1995)
4. H. Kurniawan, M. 8armawi, M.O. Tjia and K. Kagawa, Formation of CO2 Laser Induced Secondary Plasma and Its Application to Spectrochemical Analysis, Proceeding of the 5th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Eds. S.P. Chia et al. (World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (1992) pp. 654-657
3. K. Kagawa and H. Kurniawan, Blast Wave Generation by the Bombardment of TEA CO2 Laser at Low Density, Proceeding of the International Workshop on Strong Shock Waves, Chiba, Japan,{1991), Ed. H. Hanna and K. Maeno (Chiba University Press, 1992), {1992) pp. 97-115
2. K. Kagawa, T. Manda, H. Kurniawan, T. Kobayashi, S. Yokoi and S. Nakajima, Spectroscopic Study on the TEA CO2 Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma, Proceeding of the 18th International Shock Wave Conference, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, {1991) pp. 953
1. H. Kurniawan, M. 8armawi, M.O. Tjia, T. Kobayashi and K. Kagawa, High Power Coherent Nitrogen Laser System, Second Asean Science and Technology Week, Manila, Philippine, {1989)