Kurnia Lahna (kurnialahna@unsyiah.ac.id) was born in Banda Aceh on February 1st, 1961, Aceh, Indonesia. In 1990, he completed Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics from Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia under supervision of Dr. Muhammad Syukur, M.Sc. with the research topic of Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2 analysis on iron sand in the Lampanah area, Aceh Besar district using XRD. Later, he continued his studies at Optoelektronika, University of Indonesia in 1998 which was then merged into the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. In 2000, he successfully completed his Postgraduate course at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia under supervision of Dr. Koo Hendrik Kurniawan with the research topic of Detection of Density Jump in Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma Using a Rainbow Refractrometer earning him the degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.).
In 2015, he joined the Postgraduate Doctoral Program at the Mathematics and Science Application Doctoral Study Program (DMAS) in Syiah Kuala University with the guidance of Prof. Rinaldi Idroes as the Main Promoter, Prof. Kiichiro Kagawa as the Second Promoter and Dr. Eng. Nasrullah Idris as the Third Promoter, and fully assisted by Dr. Koo Hendrik Kurniawan who headed the laboratory of Maju Makmur Mandiri Foundation Research Center (MMM) West Jakarta. In 2018, he successfully completed the Doctoral Program with the research topic of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Its Application for CN Molecular Analysis, and was awarded the title of Doctor (Dr.) with satisfactory predicate.
He has done a lot of research in the field of laser spectroscopy which is carried out collaboratively at the Maju Makmur Mandiri (MMM) Foundation Research Center Research Center in Jakarta in researching various natural materials and specifically conducting research on local content in the Aceh area.
Some of his expertises in electronics, energy sources and remote sensing cannot be separated from his observations in conducting research.