Marincan Pardede (marincan.pardede@uph.edu) was born on December 29th, 1970 in Lumbanlobu, North Sumatera of Indonesia. After completing his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Physics from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, North Sumatera University, Medan, Indonesia in 1995, he joined the graduate program in Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, in 1996. He received his master’s degree in 1998 and then doctoral degree in 2002 under the guidance of the late Prof. Tjia May On, Prof. Kiichiro Kagawa and Dr. Koo Hendrik Kurniawan. His main research interest is mechanistic and experimental studies on laser-induced plasma and its applications to various fields including spectrochemical analysis and laser material processing.
He works as a permanent lecturer for Pelita Harapan University, and as a voluntary researcher for Maju Makmur Mandiri Research Center (MMM). He has carried out many collaborative research works at MMM in Jakarta, starting from the early days of his academic career during his graduate study. He has published more than 70 international journal papers with h-Index of 18 (Scopus, October 2020).