Muliadi Ramli (muliadiramli@unsyiah.ac.id) was born on March 1st, 1973 in Aceh, Indonesia. After completing Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Chemistry at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia in 1997, he then studied at Graduate School of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia and acquired his Master’s Degree of Science (M.Sc) in 2001 after completing a thesis submission in inorganic material and catalysis under the guidance of Dr. Hery Haerudin. Furthermore, from 2003-2004 he joined as a research student at Combicat, Institute of Postgraduate Studies, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia in the field of inorganic materials and catalysts while continuing his Ph.D. at Faculty of Science, UM. On October 2008, upon finishing a dissertation submission supervised by Prof. Hideaki, Prof. Kiichiro Kagawa and Prof. Fukumoto, he graduated from Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui, Japan and was conferred degree of doctor of engineering (D. Eng.) in Nuclear Power and Energy Safety Engineering. The topic of his doctoral dissertation was Study on Atomic Excitation Through Helium Metastable state Induced by Pulsed Laser Irradiation in Helium Ambient Gas at 1 Atm.
Just after finishing his doctoral course, he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship, started from 2009 until 2010 by Institute for Material Research (IMR), Tohoku University in inorganic material chemistry Before returning to his home university. He holds a permanent academic position at his home university serving as a senior lecturer at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia. In 2014, he has had been awarded a fellowship as a visiting researcher at Hokkaido University, Japan in inorganic material chemistry and catalysis.
Currently, his research is mainly focused on preparation and modification of inorganic materials applied for heterogeneous catalyst reaction and renewable energy that includes the application of laser induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) for materials characterization and processing which is related to LIBS application for analyzing inorganic/organic samples found in his home town, Aceh, including natural mineral and archeological samples, such as natural stone, etc.
He served as Secretary (2012-2014) and Head (2014-2018) of the Department of Chemistry at his home university, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia. He has authored and coauthored more than 50 papers published in reputable and peer-reviewed scientific journals. He was the Executive Secretary (2012-present) of Indonesian Chemical Society (HKI), Aceh’s chapter. He also actively works in social and members of the association of alumni from Japan university in Indonesia (Persada), Aceh’s chapter.
He has carried out many collaborative researches works at Maju Makmur Mandiri Research Centre in Jakarta, and Hokkaido University, starting from the early days of his academic career during his doctoral study.