Syahrun Nur Abdulmadjid (syahrun_madjid@unsyiah.ac.id) is a full Professor at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. Currently, he is the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Graduate School in the same university. He was born in Banda Aceh-Indonesia, on December 24th, 1967. His higher education started at the Physics Department, The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, in 1987. He continued studying at the Graduate Study Program of Opto-Electrotechniques and Laser Applications, The University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta in 1997, under the supervision of Dr. Koo Hendrik Kurniawan. In 2000, He received Monbusho Scholarship from Japan Government and studied as a student researcher at Fukui University for one year. In 2001, at the same university, he began his doctoral study in Laser plasma Spectroscopy and its application for spectrochemical analysis under the supervision of Prof. Kiichiro Kagawa and Prof. Iwao Kitazima. His dissertation title was Study on The Characteristics of Laser-Induced Plasma and Applications.
After he received his doctoral degree in 2004, he returned to Indonesia to work at his former university and to continue his research work with Dr. Koo Hendrik Kurniawan at Maju Makmur Mandiri Research Centre. Together with Prof. Kagawa and colleagues, he has published many research articles in various high-ranking international journals. Because of these achievements, in 2018, he was appointed a full professorship in the field of laser-plasma spectroscopy at Syiah Kuala University. His research interest is in fundamental studies on Laser-Induced Breakdown Plasma Spectroscopy (LIBS) and its applications in the field of food and its safety, coffee and herbal medicine, environment, agriculture, and materials. He also showed interest in physics education by developing science tools using inexpensive and used tools together with Prof. Kagawa.
Contributing to Indonesia higher education, since 2015 he was selected as a National Reviewer for national research grant as well as monitoring and evaluation of the research achievements of researchers from other universities in Indonesia. Meanwhile, at his university, he is involved actively in the internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Board of Syiah Kuala University from 2008-2018, and during that time he participated in international QA training, such as ASEAN-QA in Germany, ASEAN-QA2 in Vietnam, curriculum development in Kentucky, USA, etc. In his current position, he manages and controls the quality of research and paper publications for master and doctoral students.